生活不只是眼前苟且 中苟且是什么意思呢

生活不只是眼前苟且 中苟且是什么意思呢

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生活不只是眼前苟且 中苟且是什么意思呢


1. Beyond the pots and pans, there should be poetry and the far afield.

2. Beyond the pots and pans in present life, there should be poetry and the far afield.

3. Beyond the pots and pans in present, there should be poetry and the far afield in our lives.

4. In the life, beyond the pots and pans at the moment, there will-as always-be the poetry and far afield.基本按照诗的标准译的,所以尽量要简短,不拖沓,个人最喜欢第一种。the pots and pans: 是指锅碗瓢盆,世俗生活;poetry:诗和诗意,原句中诗意的意思更重;the far afield:远方比较诗意的说法。for discussion.


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