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Crosstalk, a folk rap art. It takes the form of speaking, learning, teasing and singing to highlight its characteristics.

Famous comic actors include Zhang Shouchen, Ma Sanli, Hou Baolin, Liu Baorui, Ma Ji, Hou Yaowen, Su Wenmao, Guo Degang, Yue Yunpeng and so on.

There are three major sources of Chinese cross talk: Beijing Tianqiao, Tianjin Quanyechang and Nanjing Confucius Temple. The art of comic dialogue originated in North China and was popular in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei. It spread throughout the country and at home and abroad. It began in the Ming and Qing Dynasties and flourished in contemporary times.

Mainly using oral performances, mainly in Beijing dialect. The main road has a folding fan, handcuffs, and waking wood. The performance forms include stand-up cross talk, counterpart cross talk, group cross talk, etc. It is a form of art performance that is rooted in the folk, originated from life, and popular with the masses.


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