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(1) 陈述部分的主语为 somebody, nobody, anybody, everybody时,反义问句主语用they,有时用he

Everybody enjoyed the party, didn't they?

(2) 陈述部分主语为 something, anything, everything, nothing等表物的不定代词时,反义疑问句的主语用it

Something is wrong with the machine, isn't it?

(3) 陈述部分为 there be 结构时,反义问句也用be (not) there. 除 there be 以外,此句型中的be可用live, appear, come, exist, happen, stand, lie, seem, remain, flow 等词代替,这时反义疑问部分用 doesn't / didn't there

There seems to be something wrong with the machine, doesn't there?

(4) 陈述部分带有否定或半否定词时,反义疑问句用肯定式

这些词有no, seldom, hardly, never, rarely, few, little, nothing, nobody, etc.

Few people know him, do they?

He can hardly see the words on the blackboard, can he?

(5) 陈述部分有加前缀或后缀(un…, im…, dis…etc,)构成的表否定意义的词时,反义疑问句仍用否定式

He dislikes swimming, doesn't he?

It's useless to talk with him, isn't it?

(6) 陈述部分有 need和dare时,依情况而定(即need和dare既可作情态动词,也可作行为动词,在疑问部分加以区别)

He daren't do it, dare he?

He doesn't dare to ask the teacher, does he?

He needs help, doesn't he?

(7) 陈述部分用 I am…时,疑问部分用aren't I

I'm late, aren't I?

(8) 陈述部分是含有宾语从句的复合句时,疑问部分应与主句中的谓语及主语一致

He said she would come, didn't he?

(9) 陈述部分含有表示所有关系的have时, 疑问部分既可用have, 又可用do, 若陈述部分是have的否定式,疑问部分取决于陈述部分用do或have

You have a dictionary, haven't you? / don't you?

He hasn't a lot of time to spare, has he?

He doesn't have a lot of time to spare, does he?


You often have headaches, don't you?

She had to take the early bus, didn't she?

(10) 陈述部分有情态动词ought to时,附加部分用ought to 或should都可以

We ought to go there, oughtn't we? (英)

We ought to go there, shouldn't we? (美)


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