"我理解你的需求,但我们需要考虑成本和时间因素。"(I understand your needs, but we need to consider cost and timing factors.)
"让我们一起探讨其他的解决方案。"(Let's explore other possible solutions together.)
"我们需要综合考虑各种因素,包括质量、价格和服务。"(We need to consider various factors, including quality, price, and service.)
"如果你能够接受这个条件,我们就可以继续下一步谈判。"(If you can agree to this condition, we can proceed to the next stage of negotiation.)
"我认为我们可以找到一个双方都能接受的解决方案。"(I believe we can find a solution that works for both parties.)
"如果你能够提供更多的信息,我们可以更好地理解你的需求。"(If you can provide more information, we can better understand your needs.)
"我们需要一个互惠互利的协议,让双方都能够受益。"(We need a mutually beneficial agreement that benefits both parties.)
"让我们先确定最重要的问题,然后再逐步解决其他问题。"(Let's first identify the most important issues and then address the other issues step by step.)
"我们需要在时间、成本和质量之间做出平衡。"(We need to strike a balance between time, cost, and quality.)
"如果我们能够达成一致意见,我相信我们的合作会非常成功。"(If we can reach a consensus, I believe our collaboration will be very successful.)