1. 钱学森: "科学没有国界,科学家应该为人类的福祉而努力。"(Science knows no borders, scientists should work for the well-being of humanity.)
2. 茅以升: "教育是培养人的灵魂,启迪人的智慧,改变人的命运。"(Education cultivates the soul, enlightens the mind, and changes one's destiny.)
3. 杨振宁: "求知若饥,虚心若愚。"(Be as eager for knowledge as if you were starving, and be as humble as if you were ignorant.)
4. 陈省身: "科学的发展是人类进步的基石,只有通过科学才能解决人类所面临的重大挑战。"(The development of science is the cornerstone of human progress, and only through science can we solve the major challenges facing humanity.)
5. 郭沫若: "文化是一个民族的灵魂,是一个国家的命脉。"(Culture is the soul of a nation and the lifeblood of a country.)