

首页维修大全综合更新时间:2024-02-13 01:31:40


Once upon a time, there were three little pigs. They each built their own houses. The first pig made his house of straw. The second pig used sticks to build his house. But the third pig was wise, he built his house with bricks.

One day, a big bad wolf came and knocked on the first pig's door. Little pig, little pig, let me come in! he said. But the first pig refused. The wolf huffed and puffed and blew the straw house down.

The wolf then went to the second pig's house and tried to blow it down too. But the house made of sticks was also no match for the wolf's breath.

Finally, the wolf went to the third pig's house made of bricks. He couldn't blow it down no matter how hard he tried. The three little pigs were safe inside.

The wolf gave up and went away, realizing that he couldn't catch the clever little pigs. From that day on, they lived happily ever after in their strong brick house.







小白猪:Little white 小黑猪:little black 小花猪little white and black 

小白猪:Good morning, rabbit. 

小兔子:Good morning, little white. Can I help you? 

小白猪:Yes. Please give me some straw. I want to make a house. 

小兔子:ok , here you are. 

小白猪:Thank you!

小黑猪:Good morning, sheep. 

小羊:Good morning, little black. Can I help you? 

小黑猪:Yes. Please give me some wood. I want to make a house. 

小羊:ok , here you are. 

小黑猪:Thank you!

小花猪:Good morning, elephant. 

大象:Good morning, little white and black. Can I help you ? 

小花猪:Yes. Please give me some stone. I want to make a house. 

大象:Ok . here you are. 

小花猪:Thank you! 

4、狼听音乐进场:Aha! I’ hungry, I like pigs, where is pigs? Here!(敲门)

小白猪:No, no, no. go away ,go away! . 

狼:I can blow your house . I’ll o-huff, I’ll o-puff!

小白猪:Help me. Help me! The bad wolf is coming。 

狼:敲门. (knock,knock,knock)

小白猪、小黑猪:No,no,no . go away ,go away! .

 狼:I can blow your house . I’ll o-huff, I’ll o-puff!


5、小白猪和小黑猪:Help me. Help me! The bad wolf is coming

狼:敲门. (knock,knock,knock)

小白猪、小黑猪、小花猪:No,no,no . go away ,go away! .

狼:I can blow your house . I’ll o-huff, I’ll o-puff!

    Oh! No ! I can’t make it . this house is so strong, I’m so angry!

 Let’s me have a think. Oh! Chimney, I can climb into the chimney.

 One ,two, three.

小白猪、小黑猪:what should we do?

小花猪: Don’t worry, I have good idea. Let’s boil water.

狼: I’m falling down! WA...... It’s hot, My ass on fire!


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