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Good morning/afternoon/evening!

How are you?

I'm fine, thank you.

What's your name?

My name is...

Nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you too.

Can you say your name again?

Yes, I can.

No, I cannot.

What's your favorite color?

My favorite color is...

What's your favorite animal?

My favorite animal is...

What's your favorite food?

My favorite food is...

What's your favorite season?

My favorite season is...

How many pencils do you have?

I have...

What's your favorite subject?

My favorite subject is...

Can you draw a picture?

Yes, I can.

No, I cannot.

What's your favorite movie?

My favorite movie is...

What's your favorite book?

My favorite book is...

What's your favorite game?

My favorite game is...


1. 课堂用语

   - "Good morning/afternoon, teacher."(老师,早上好/下午好。)

   - "May I go to the bathroom, please?"(请问我可以去洗手间吗?)

   - "Can I drink water?"(我可以喝水吗?)

   - "I don't understand."(我不懂。)

   - "Could you repeat that, please?"(请你再说一遍好吗?)

   - "I need help."(我需要帮助。)

   - "I finished my work."(我完成了我的工作。)

   - "May I borrow a pencil, please?"(请问我可以借一支铅笔吗?)

   - "I'm sorry for being late."(对不起,我迟到了。)

2. 问候用语

   - "Hello, everyone!"(大家好!)

   - "How are you today?"(你们今天好吗?)

   - "What's your name?"(你叫什么名字?)

   - "Nice to meet you."(很高兴见到你。)

   - "Goodbye, see you tomorrow!"(再见,明天见!)

3. 教室物品

   - "desk"(桌子)

   - "chair"(椅子)

   - "book"(书)

   - "pen"(钢笔)

   - "pencil"(铅笔)

   - "eraser"(橡皮擦)

   - "ruler"(尺子)

   - "blackboard"(黑板)

   - "chalk"(粉笔)



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