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The story of the grasshopper and the ant is a popular fable. The main content of the story goes like this:

In the summertime, while the ants were busy working hard to gather food for the winter, the grasshopper spent his days singing and enjoying himself. The grasshopper didn't worry about the future and believed that he could always find food when he needed it.

When winter arrived, the ground was covered in snow, and there was no food to be found. The grasshopper, who hadn't prepared for the cold season, was hungry and cold. He went to the ants and asked for food. The ants, who had stored plenty of food, asked the grasshopper why he hadn't worked and saved food like they did.

The moral of the story is that hard work and preparation are important for a secure future. It teaches us the value of diligence, responsibility, and planning ahead.

If you have any more questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask! ????????

The Ant and the Grasshopper


One hot summer’s day a Grasshopper sat on a blade of grass enjoying the sunshine.


‘What a fine day,’ he said. ‘The sun’s shining and I’ve got as much grass as I can eat.’


The Grasshopper spent the whole morning stuffing his face until he couldn’t eat another thing.


‘Right,’ he said. ‘Now I’ll make some music.’


He rubbed his back legs against his wings and made a loud buzzing sound.


‘Lovely,’ said the Grasshopper. ‘Nothing better than the sound of a happy Grasshopper.’


‘Give it a rest,’ said a passing Ant.


‘What?’ said the Grasshopper.


‘I’m trying to work here,’ said the Ant. ‘You’re giving me a headache.’


‘You don’t like my music?’ said the Grasshopper.



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