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1. 我明天将会去参加一个聚会。

2. 她下周将要开始新的工作。

3. 他将在下个月搬到一个新城市。

4. 我们下个季度将推出新产品。

5. 她将学习一门新技能。

6. 我弟弟将在下个月庆祝他的生日。

7. 他们将要举行婚礼。

8. 我们的孩子将在9月份开始上学。

9. 我将在夏天去度假。

10. 他将参加一个国际会议。

这些例句展示了一般将来时的不同形式,包括 will、going to、be going to 等结构。

1. Tomorrow, I will go to the beach and enjoy the sunshine.

2. Next week, we will have a party to celebrate my sister's birthday.

3. In the future, I will travel around the world and explore different cultures.

4. Next year, I will start a new job and pursue my career goals.

5. In a few months, I will buy a new car and upgrade my transportation.

6. Next summer, I will learn how to swim and overcome my fear of water.

7. In a few years, I will move to a bigger house and have more space for my family.

8. Next month, I will start learning a new language and broaden my horizons.

9. In the coming years, I will focus on my health and adopt a healthier lifestyle.

10. In the near future, I will start saving money for my dream vacation to a tropical paradise.


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