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The CS Community Championship was Episode 11 and Episode 12, and Zhan Bo lost his spirits after Wanyu left. One day, the boys in the apartment asked Zhan Bo to play the CS Championship held by the community. At the beginning, it was the first stop of Guan Gu, Lu Ziqiao and Zhan Bo. Zhan Bo always sees things and thinks of people in the process of playing games, and thinks of Wan Yu. As a result, his teammates ???? were killed one after another. Later, he got up and opened the game plug-in and passed the preliminary competition.

This episode also Nuolan's first appearance, Ceng Xiaoxian after the leader asked to entertain Nuolan also joined the game, but the first second was KO.

Later, they entered the final with Zhanbo's plug-in, but the other party also used super plug-in, and both sides were disqualified from the competition, so they asked for offline play. I didn't expect that the other party was a group of children, and the big boys in the apartment were defeated by a group of children. Finally, Hu Yifei appeared to save them.



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