My favorite animal is the little white rabbit.
It is a pure white body, there are two long ears, as if to listen to the home a little movement。
它有一条短短的尾巴,它的嘴巴一张开, 大大的两颗门牙露出来,就显得它更可爱了。
It has a short tail, its mouth an open, big two front teeth exposed, it is more lovely.
小白兔爱吃萝卜、青草之内的食物。当然我家的小白兔也不例外。它吃东西时很斯文,常常慢嚼细咽,好像在品尝人间的美味佳肴。更让人觉得吃惊的是我家的小白兔居然会吃糖。有一次,我嘴里吃着香喷喷的奶糖逗它玩耍, 一不小心奶糖从嘴里掉了出来,正好落在它旁边,它看见奶糖后,一口就将奶糖吃了进去,一点也不斯文了。不过我还是很喜欢它。