socks 有“袜子”与“揍人和拳头”三种意思:1、名词:短袜 sock 的复数,如:a pair of socks。还有二个有趣的习语用法: His teachers told him 【to pull his socks up】, or he'd undoubtedly fail his exam. 努力改进某人的表现或成绩 Can't you 【put a sock in it】
? I'm trying to work. 相当于 shut up, be quiet, stop talking or making a noise2、动词:狠揍(某人)的第三人称单数:He socks it to his opponents with newest proof. (这种打击就是常说的文明方式,并非一定要“拳拳到肉”)
3、名词:“拳”的复数,如:Give him two socks quickly as possible, or in your turn.