

首页维修大全综合更新时间:2024-08-06 19:11:24



1. You know what they say, "It's better to ask questions than to be overprepared."


2. I'm not giving up. I'm just giving myself a little breather.


3. "I could say the same thing to you, little lady."


4. "I'm not a fox, I'm not a rabbit, I'm not a pantsless mouse, and I'm not a farting otter. I'm a police officer, and I'm here to solve this case."


5. "You know, you were much more likable when I disliked you."


6. "It doesn't matter what you're born as, it's what you choose to be."


7. "It's not about how badly you want it. It's about what you're capable of."



1. “Life's a little bit messy. We all make mistakes. No matter what type of animal you are, change starts with you.” (生活有点凌乱,我们都会犯错。无论你是哪种类型的动物,改变始于你自己。)

2. “It’s called a hustle, sweetheart.” (这叫做骗局,亲爱的。)

3. "We've arrived. Grand paw is very happy."(我们到了。爷爷很开心。)

4. "Life's a Zootopia...You can be anything."(生活就像一个动物城... 你可以成为任何事。)

5. "We're not animals, we're sophisticated creatures."(我们不是动物,我们是高雅的生物。)

6. "In Zootopia, anyone can be anything."(在动物城,任何人都可以成为任何事。)

7. "Don't give up on your dreams, keep sleeping."(不要放弃梦想,继续睡觉。)

8. "If you don't try anything new, you'll never fail."(如果你不尝试新事物,你从来不会失败。)

9. "You know you love me, real or not real?" (你知道你爱我,真实或虚构?)

10. "Life isn't some cartoon musical where you sing a little song and all your insipid dreams magically come true. So let it go."(生活不是某个卡通音乐剧,你唱上一首小歌曲,所有无聊的梦想都会神奇地成真。所以,放弃吧。)


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