

首页维修大全综合更新时间:2024-12-03 01:11:43


1. 登机前:

   - Excuse me, where can I check in for my flight?


   - Can I have a window seat, please?


   - What's the boarding time for this flight?


   - Do I need to transfer at this airport?


2. 安检时:

   - Please put your baggage on the conveyor belt and step through the metal detector.


   - Would you please remove your shoes and place them in the tray?


   - Is there anything sharp or metallic in your pockets?


3. 候机时:

   - Where is the gate for my flight?


   - How long will it take for the plane to arrive?


   - Can I get some water, please?


   - Is there a duty-free shop here?


4. 下机后:

   - Where can I find information about baggage claim?


   - How can I get to the city center from here?


   - Can you recommend a good restaurant nearby?



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