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越短越容易Shorter and Easier


In everyday life, people often meet very long terms when writing or reading an article. For the convenience of writing and typing and also of memorizing them, they would shorten long terms into abbreviations. When a long phrase is turned into a short word, some morphemes need to be omitted and those left need to be able to represent the entire component just omitted.


There are four ways to form an abbreviation in English: clipping, blending, initialism and acronym.

前两种是把词中能代表核心词素的音节保留下来,用一两个音节来表示复合词或者词组。这种方式强调词的发音,应用最多的也是日常口语。比如,hippo=hippopotamus(河马);phone=telephone(电话);fridge=refrigerator(冰箱);webcast=web broadcast(网络直播)。

The first two types are formed by taking out syllables in a word that can represent its core morpheme so that one syllable or two syllables can refer to a compound word or a phrase. Such way of formation emphasizes the pronunciation of a word and is most commonly used in colloquial English. For example, hippo=hippopotamus; phone=telephone; fridge=refrigerator and webcast=web broadcast.

后两种是保留每个词的首字母,或者也可以包含其他辅音。如果不能拼读出音节,就是首字母缩略词,按照字母发音来读;如果能拼读出音节,就是首字母拼音词,按照拼出的音节来读。这种方式其实是用字母代表词,强调词的书写符号,因此 ,更多是书面语使用。比如,GRE=Graduate Record Examination(美国研究生入学考试);UNESCO= United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (联合国教科文组织)。。

The second two types are formed through taking out the first letter of a word, and sometimes, other consonants in the word may also be included. If such an abbreviation does not form any pronounceable syllable, it is an initialism and it is pronounced letter by letter. If pronounceable syllables are formed in an abbreviation, it is an acronym and it is pronounced as formed syllables like a word. In fact, such a way of formation means to represent a word with a letter or letters. It emphasizes on writing symbols, so most of the words so formed are first used in writing. For example, GRE=Graduate Record Examination; UNESCO= United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization.


There are also many abbreviations in Chinese. In modern Chinese language, real words generally have two syllables or are disyllables. Only the most basic words are monosyllables. In the Chinese language, one syllable is written into one character.


Through abbreviation, one syllable in a polysyllable is taken out to represent a whole word. The first syllable of a word can be selected, or the syllable that represents core morpheme. For example, 科技=科学技术(science and technology); 高校=高等院校(higher education institutions).


Sometimes, some words in the middle can be omitted completely with only one syllable taken from the first and last words. For example, 人大=人民代表大会(people’s congress);政协=政治协商会议(political consultative conference).

多个词组并列时,还可以用数字归纳核心词素,表达一类事物,而事物名称中不一定包含这个核心词素。比如,四季=四个季节(春夏秋冬);四化=四个现代化(农业现代化 、工业现代化 、国防现代化、科学技术现代化)。

When a number of phrases are put together, a summarization can be formed with number and core morpheme to refer to a collection of things. And the words for the things may not have the core morpheme. For example, 四季=四个季节(春夏秋冬) (The four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter);四化=四个现代化(农业现代化 、工业现代化 、国防现代化、科学技术现代化) (The four modernizations of agriculture, industry, national defense, and science and technology).

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