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Since I started working from home I am cooking more (and eating healthier, I hope). But cooking in China is not the same as cooking in Spain… first of all, there are often some ingredients in recipes that I cannot find because they are not commonly used in China, so I have to cook without them or find replacements. For example, when I run out of the chorizo I bring from Spain every year to cook lentil and chickpeas stews, I replace it with salty meat and powdered paprika. It’s not the same, but it does the trick. But today I wanted to write not about the food itself, but about the things you can find in the average kitchen in China vs the things you can find in the average kitchen in Spain.



Another thing present in all Chinese kitchens is the electric water boiler, to make tea and also because Chinese people like drinking hot water. I got used to it too! Now I can’t drink water straight from the fridge, like I used to do before. The water boiler is not super common in Spain, but not that rare either. My parents got one recently because my dad started drinking tea. In Spain most people are coffee drinkers, not tea drinkers.




For my next kitchen buy, I am still deciding between two things: a bread maker or a hand blender. I will probably get the hand blender first because it is smaller and cheaper, and also something commonly used in Spain to make vegetable purée. A bread maker sounds like a good investment, taking into account how many weird ingredients the bread I buy here contains, but the appliance is not small and I am running out of space in the kitchen. Maybe I should try doing bread in the oven first? Is it very difficult? I have no idea!
Do you have a favourite kitchen appliance?



Is quinoa very expensive in Spain? I looked at the prices here and I found them ridiculous, I’ll keep eating other more affordable grains xD 125 euros for a kettle??? Try Aliexpress! They might have prices similar to Taobao and I read they have a warehouse in Spain so you don’t have to worry about customs.


Haha, I think Spanish people are not really fans of department stores! I’m actually surprised El Corte Inglés is still alive!
Yep! El Corte Ingles is still alive and kicking and moving with the times!
Charmaine Ng
I loved learning about the differences! I LIVE for my little oven (toaster oven) and I make everything with it… we don’t have a microwave so everything in the toaster oven it goes!
I had one of those toaster ovens in a rented flat in Shanghai before but I think I never used it! xD
What types of weird ingredients are in the bread? I love Asian-style bread way more than American ones.


I was referring more to the buns that they sell in the bakery, that usually come with fillings. They are a lot softer and sweeter than American sliced bread (similar to Hawaiian sweet rolls).
I have the same problem with the sliced bread here in Taiwan. It’s sweetened and it just seems a little over-processed.




No oven?! That means no cake! Oh, the humanity!!!
Well, there are no cakes or baked things in Chinese food… they are not used to eat super sweet desserts and their equivalent of cakes are probably steamed buns filled with red bean paste!
Behind the Story
I guess my husband made me very Chinese. I couldn’t do without my wok, and I drink tea and hot water a lot, so I have an electric tea pot. The only thing is, I don’t have a rice cooker. It’s so big. So I just cook my rice in a sauce pan. Besides, I’ve been trying to cut down on carbs, and I don’t eat much rice. I never bake anymore. I don’t like to tempt myself with cookies and cake around the house. I just buy them one serving at a time.
I don’t know how to bake and I don’t really want to learn, too dangerous as I would eat everything myself. The only cookies I tried to do once were “healthy cookies” made with smashed bananas, oats and dark chocolate pieces. It was a recipe for children hahaha.
Great post! I actually have the opposite problem to you; I’m Chinese but I live in the US. There’s a very large oven that comes in every American kitchen but I don’t really know what to do with it except as extra storage space for large pots/pans. I don’t know how to bake but I do have a smaller toaster oven to warm sandwiches so the bread stays crispy. There’s also an equally large dishwashing machine that I also use as storage space for dishes after I hand wash them, lol! And I really wish I could get a wok but the apartment stoves here are all flat electric burners so flat-bottomed pans it is :(
All that being said, my favorite part of American kitchens is that they are bright and airy and open into the living room so you still feel connected to the rest of the family as you prepare a meal. And it forces you to keep the kitchen clean. I hate how Chinese kitchens are a separate room off to the corner of the house.
Oh right, I forgot to mention the dishwasher, haha. It is also pretty common in Spain, except in the apartments rented to students… I don’t really miss it for now as we are just 2 people and we can manage washing by hand, but for large families it is indeed useful.
You can use the oven to roast meat, fish or veggies, it’s a less oily way of cooking. But I know it is hard to start using a new thing to cook when you have never felt the need for it… like the wok for me, haha.
I was very lucky living in Beijing as my apartment was paid for by the Aussie govt, therefore it was in a fabulous building that had all the mod cons including international power plugs. I did buy a rice cooker and brought it home to Australia with me – love it and a boiled egg maker – love that too.
Uuuh, so you were one of the cushy expats! I’ve never had problems with plugs in China, all the places I lived in had the multi-functional sockets and I could plug Spanish plugs (2 round pins). Only in very old hotels or houses I saw that they only had the Chinese style ones.
Yep…cushy job and plush living. Ha ha.
Ruby Ronin
Haha, aw, it was so nostalgic to see this list! That yogurt maker is pretty crazy!!! I didn’t know those existed… I’m kind of tempted to buy one.
Rice cookers are quite common in the USA (or maybe I just think that because my mom is Asian). Anyway, I realized they weren’t common in Europe when we had a German friend stay with us. I came into the kitchen one day and I saw him staring at the rice cooker intensely. When I asked him what he was doing, he said he was waiting for the water to boil. I told him that it was a rice cooker, not a water boiler, haha! It was a very cute moment.
Making bread sounds hard!!!! …. isn’t it? Is it hard to find ingredients in China?
I’m very happy with my yogurt maker! I can finally have CHEAP yogurt without added sugar or added anything-at-all! And it is super easy to make: you just mix milk with the yogurt bugs, turn the machine on, leave it for 10 hours and voila, finished. Also, no more plastic yogurt cups to throw away as the machine includes reusable ceramic cups.
Based on what I’ve seen on the internet, bread can be made with only four ingredients: flour, water, yeast, and a pinch of salt. The hard part seems to be the kneading, and probably also mastering time and temperature in the oven.
Kitty Lai
Hi Marta, quick question – I’m Chinese (but from the UK) and I was wondering what the best brand of “fresh” milk in China? I’m going to be moving to Shanghai soon and while I can live on a Chinese diet with no issues, I will definitely miss milk, cheese, and normal bread that people born in China aren’t used to. Also, how are those mini ovens? I asked my friend about those before and when he showed me a lix on Taobao when I saw the price I asked him if they were safe to use and wouldn’t explode haha
Hi Kitty! There are several brands of fresh milk (that is the milk that has to be kept in the fridge before opening the package, right?) and they are easily found in basically all supermarkets and convenience stores. However I usually buy the normal UHT milk that doesn’t have to be kept in the fridge before opening so I can’t really recommend a brand. For the UHT milk, there are hundreds of imported brands from Europe or Australia which are sometimes cheaper than the Chinese ones if you find a deal, or same price, so I always choose the imported brands. There should also be a delivery service of fresh milk in glass bottles, at least in Suzhou there is one, when you arrive to Shanghai you can check if any neighbour has the “milk box” and call the company if you are interested. TL;DR, you will have no problem at all finding milk in Shanghai! Cheese and bread won’t be an issue either, but get ready for the outrageous prices especially for cheese (Taobao of course has better prices than the fancy expat supermarkets).
The mini ovens should be fine, I never heard of any explosion hahaha! Yes, kitchen appliances are very cheap here! (Except some brands of Japanese rice cookers which are ridiculously expensive, maybe they transform the rice into diamonds…).
I hadn’t realized making yogurt at home was easy. I guess it’s more healthier since the factory-made ones always have a lot of sugar and flavouring.
Which method do you prefer for cooking rice?
For best results, the rice cooker is definitely better! Although you could technically obtain the same result if you cover the pot and add less water (the usual measure in Spain to cook white rice is 2.5 cups of water per 1 cup of rice, which I have now realised is too much…).
Yeah, 2.5 cups of water is definitely a bit much. I guess the rice comes out fluffier and softer with so much cups of water?
Definitely too soft and bland for my taste xD
nowadays all kitchen appliances item are very useful specially rice cooker.



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