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1.阴历: lunar calendar

2.阳历: solar calendar

3.春节: the Spring Festival

4.除夕: Chinese New Year’s Eve

5.清明节: Tomb Sweeping Day

6.重阳节: the Double Ninth Festival

7.腊八节: the Laba Festival

8.元宵节: the Lantern Festival

9.劳动节: International Labour Day

10. 中秋节: the Mid-Autumn Festival

11. 端午节: the Dragon Boat Festival

12. 乞巧节(七夕节): Double-Seventh Day

13. 法定节日: legal/statutory holiday

14. 春联: Spring Festival couplets; Lunar New Year couplets

15. 年画:Spring Festival picture; New Year picture

16. 剪纸:paper-cut; scissor-cut

17. 红包: red packet

18. 舞狮:lion dance

19. 舞龙: dragon dance

20. 灯笼: lantern

21. 灯谜: riddles written on a lantern

22.灯会:lantern show/festival

23. 压岁钱:lucky money

24. 祭祖宗:offer sacrifices to one’s ancestors

25. 元宵:sweet dumplings

26. 踩高跷:walk on stilts

27. 扫墓:sweep a grave-pay tribute to a dead person at his tomb

28. 扭秧歌:do the yangge dance

29. 赛龙舟:dragon boat race

30. 月饼: moon cake

31. 赏月:appreciate the glorious full moon; enjoy a bright full moon

32. 毛笔:Chinese writing brush

33. 书法:calligraphy

34. 楷体:formal/regular script

35. 行书:running script/hand

36. 风水:geomantic omen

37. 闰年:leap/intercalary year

38. 十二生肖:Chinese zodiac

39. 庙会:fair; temple fair

40. 放爆竹:let/set off firecrackers

41. 守岁:stay up later or all night on the New Year’s Eve

42. 拜年:pay a New Year visit

43. 团圆饭:family reunion dinner

44. 京剧:Peking opera; Beijing opera

45. 秦腔:Shaanxi opera

46. 功夫:kung fu

47. 太极:Tai Chi

48. 口技ventriloquism; vocal mimicry/ imitation

49. 木偶戏:puppet show

50. 皮影戏:shadow play

51. 折子戏:highlights from operas

52. 杂技:acrobatics

53. 相声:comic dialogue; crosstalk

54. 刺绣:embroidery

55. 苏绣:Suzhou embroidery

56. 泥人:clay figure

57. 中国画:traditional Chinese painting

58. 水墨画:wash painting

59. 中国结:traditional Chinese knot

60. 中国古代四大发明:the four great inventions of ancient China

61. 火药:gunpowder

62. 印刷术:printing

63. 造纸术:paper making technology

64. 指南针:compass

65. 青铜器:bronze ware

66. 瓷器:porcelain; china(ware)

67. 唐三彩:tri-colored glazed pottery of the Tang Dynasty; Tang tri-colour

68. 景泰蓝:cloisonne

69. 秋千:swing

70. 武术:martial arts

71. 旗袍:cheongsam

72. 中山装:Chinese tunic suit

73. 唐装:Tang suit; attire of traditional Chinese style

74. 儒家思想:Confucianism

75. 儒家文化:Confucian culture

76. 道教:Taoism

77. 墨家:Mohist school

78. 法家:Legalist school

79. 佛教:Buddhism

80. 孔子:Confucius

81. 孟子:Mencius

82. 老子:Lao Tzu

83. 庄子:Chuang Tzu

84. 孙子:Sun Tzu

85. 墨子:Mo Tzu

86. 象形文字:pictographic characters; pictograph

87. 文房四宝(笔墨纸砚):four treasures of the study (writing brush, ink stick, ink slab and paper)

88. 《大学》:The Great Learning

89. 《中庸》:The Doctrine of the Mean

90. 《论语》:The Analects of Confucius

91. 《孟子》:The Mencius

92. 《孙子兵法》:The Art of War

93. 《三国演义》:The Romance of the Three Kingdoms

94. 《西游记》:Journey to the West

95. 《红楼梦》:A Dream in Red Mansions

96. 《水浒传》:Water Margin

97. 《山海经》:The Classic of Mountains and Rivers

98. 《资治通鉴》:History as a Mirror

99. 《春秋》:The Spring and Autumn Annals

100. 《史记》:Historical Records

101. 《诗经》:The Book of Songs

102. 《易经》:The Book of Changes

103. 《礼记》:The Book of Rites

104. 《三字经》:Three-Character Scriptures

105. 八股文:eight-part essay

106. 五言绝句:pentasyllabic quatrain

107. 七言律诗:heptasyllabic regulated verse

108. 山东菜:Shandong cuisine

109. 川菜:Sichuan cuisine

110. 粤菜:Cantonese cuisine

111. 扬州菜:Yangzhou cuisine

112. 年糕:New Year cake

113. 油条:deep-fried twisted dough sticks

114. 豆浆:soya milk

115. 馒头:steamed bun

116. 花卷:steamed twisted roll

117. 包子:steamed stuffed bun

118. 北京烤鸭:roast Beijing duck

119. 拉面:hand-stretched noodles

120. 馄饨:wonton

121. 豆腐:tofu

122. 麻花:fried dough twist

123. 烧饼:sesame seed cake

124. 皮蛋:preserved duck egg

125. 蛋炒饭:rice fried with eggs

126. 糖葫芦:sugar-coated haws on a stick

127. 火锅:hotpot

128. 长城:the Great Wall

129. 烽火台:beacon tower

130. 秦始皇陵:Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor

131. 兵马俑:Terracotta Army

132. 大雁塔:Giant Wild Goose Pagoda

133. 丝绸之路:the Silk Road

134. 莫高窟:Mogao Grottoes

135. 华清池:Huaqing Hot Spring

136. 五台山:Mount Wutai

137. 九华山:Mount Jiuhua

138. 峨眉山:Mount Emei

139. 泰山:Mount Tai

140. 黄山:Mount Huang

141. 故宫:the Imperial Palace

142. 天坛:the Temple of Heaven

143. 午门:the Meridian Gate

144. 大运河:the Grand Canal

145. 护城河:city moat

146. 回音壁:the Echo Wall

147. 居庸关:Juyongguan Pass

148. 九龙壁:the Nine Dragon Wall

149. 黄帝陵:the Mausoleum of the Yellow Emperor

150. 苏州园林:Suzhou garden

151. 西湖:West Lake

152. 九寨沟:Jiuzhaigou Valley

153. 日月潭:Riyuetan Lake; Sun Moon Lake

154. 布达拉宫:Potala Palace

155. 鼓楼:drum tower

156. 四合院:quadrangle dwelling

157. 孔庙:Confucian temple

158. 乐山大佛:Leshan Giant Buddha

159. 十八罗汉:the eighteen arhats

160. 喇嘛:Lama

161.绿茶:green tea

162.红茶:black tea


1. 新思想:new thought

2. 新常态:new normal

3. 新增长目标:new growth target

4. 新反腐模式:new anti-corruption model

5. 民生:people’s livelihood

6. 扶贫:poverty alleviation

7. 国防:national defense

8. 改革开放40周年:40 years of reform and opening up

9. 中国梦:the Chinese Dream

10. 人类命运


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