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醇香奶茶:Mellow tea with milk

珍珠奶茶:Pearl milk tea

椰果奶茶:Coconut milk tea

特色奶青:Characteristics of milk green

胚芽奶绿:Germ milk green

柠檬奶绿:Green lemon milk

百香奶绿:Sweet milk, green

仙草奶茶:This product milk tea

仙草奶绿:This product milk green

热巧克力:Hot chocolate

欧蕾咖啡:Au lait coffee

摩卡椰多多:A lot of mocha coconut

椰香西米露:Coconut tapioca pudding

抹茶红豆欧蕾:Matcha red bean au lait

香芋牛奶欧蕾:Taro milk au lait

紫薯牛奶欧蕾:Purple potato milk au lait

芒果牛奶欧蕾:Mango milk au lait

鲜奶奥利奥:Milk oreo

抹茶奥利奥:Maccha oreo

椰香奥利奥:Coconut oreo

摩卡奥利奥:Mocha oreo

巧酥奥利奥:Qiao crisp oreo

鲜奶冰旋风:Milk ice storm

摩卡冰旋风:Mocha ice storm

巧酥冰旋风:Qiao crisp ice storm

蓝莓蛋蜜:Blueberry egg honey

草莓蛋蜜:Strawberry egg honey

薄荷蛋蜜:Mint egg honey

百香蛋蜜:Passion egg honey

柠檬蛋蜜:Lemon egg honey

芒果蛋蜜:Mango egg honey

奇异果蛋蜜:Kiwi fruit egg honey

冰爽柠檬:Icy lemon

酷夏青橘:summer cool green orange

蜂蜜柚子:honey pomelo

柠檬柚子:lemon and grapefruit

甘蔗芦荟:sugar cane aloe vera

金桔柠檬: kumquat lemon

草莓奶昔:Strawberry milkshake

蓝莓奶昔:Blueberry smoothie

抹茶奶昔:Maccha milk shake

紫薯奶昔:Purple potato milkshake

香芋奶昔:Taro milk shake

百香果奶昔:Passion fruit milk shake

奇异果奶昔:Kiwi fruit milk shake

芒果奶昔:Mango smoothie

特色双皮奶:Characteristics of double peel milk

意式布丁:Italian pudding

台式烧仙草:Desktop burning grass fairy

蜂蜜烧仙草:Honey burning grass fairy

蜂蜜八宝饭:Honey, Chinese rice pudding

台式八宝饭:Desktop eight-treasure rice pudding

原味八宝饭:Original Chinese rice pudding


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