有的。格雷魔法学校(Grey School of Wizardry)世界上第一所注册巫师学校,也是唯一的一所巫师学校。它已经被美国官方正式认证为学术机构,只要完成规定的学业,还有学位证书颁发。当地时间2011年3月2日正式成立,并被官方认证为学术机构。由于经济等一系列问题,格雷魔法学校仍然处于网上教学模式。格雷魔法学校有16个系,包括炼金术、驯兽术、马语、魔杖制作和咒语。进入魔法学校的学生被分住在4座古代建筑里—风、水女神、侏儒和火蜥蜴。 英国《每日邮报》2日援引奥伯伦·瑞文哈特的话报道:“我们教授高级‘魔法数学’,量子论,宇宙学和玄学,草药学以及所有古老科学。” 据称格雷已招收735名学生,有100名是18岁以下,奥伯伦·瑞文哈特称这些人是“哈利·波特新手”。 学生都是登陆学校官网视频学习。校长在官网说:[Right now, however, as you perceive, our finances are extremely limited... Our ultimate dreams, of course, envision a physical campus—a “castle,” which might take the form of an old monastery, retreat center, winery, or other suitable facility that could provide classrooms, laboratories, kitchen, dining hall, library, museum, and recreational and residential facilities for staff and students. The costs to purchase such a facility would, of course, be considerable; as would be the costs of renovations and continuing maintenance. We regard this as a rather distant dream at this time. ] 如果你想要网址,我可以给你