什么是Drama Film

什么是Drama Film

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什么是Drama Film


  A 'drama film is a film that depends mostly on in-depth character development, interaction, and highly emotional themes. In a good drama film, the audience are able to experience what other characters are feeling and identify with someone.

  This genre could be especially useful by challenging the ignorance from stereotypes or any other overly simplistic generalisations by bringing it down to a more personal and complex level. As well, such movies could also be theraputic by showing how characters cope with their problems, challenges, or issues, and to the extent the viewer can identify with the characters with his or her own world.

  This film genre can be contrasted with an action film which relies on fast-paced action and develops characters sparsely.

  简单点来说..dama film就是一种电影的分支, 它是考观众看主人公的语言,纸体和感情来感受周遭的人的感受.而更加深切的了解这为主人公.

  比较著名的Drama Film的电影有:

  2005年的 Memoirs of a Geisha (艺妓回忆录)

  Syriana (辛瑞那)

  Cinderella Man (辛得瑞拉男人)

  2004年的 Being Julia (成为朱利亚)

  Hotel Rwanda (卢旺达旅馆)

  Million Dollar Baby (百万宝贝)


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