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怎么会狠心伤害我 How would I hurt Henxin

每个孤独的晚上 Each lonely night

就象电影的散场 As the film Sanchang

身边的人都离开 The people around the left

不知何时有泪光 I do not know when there are tears

每个相爱的地方 Each of love

都象回忆织的网 Like all the memories woven network

多少痛苦关在胸膛 How much pain in the chest Commissioner

谁能看出我的伤 Who can see that my injury

当我松开你的手 When I loosened your hands

眼泪离开眼眶后 After the tears left orbital

喝下沉溺的烈酒 The addiction to drink spirits

醒来最终要接受 Eventually wake up to accept

当爱散落的时候 When the love of scattered

何谓天长和地久 What is a day long and in a long time

痛苦了一生的时间 Suffering a life-time

是否明白是否足够 Understand the adequacy

怎么会狠心离开我 How will I leave Henxin

这一切到底为什么 Why all this in the end

分不清一切都是谁的错 Who are all the confusion the wrong

付出换来这种结果 This result earned pay

怎么会狠心伤害我 How would I hurt Henxin

可怜我爱你那么多 The poor so much I love you

失去了快乐幻灭了承诺 The loss dashed the promise of happiness

守住两个人的日子一个人过Holding two days of one-off



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