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一方面让区十四去要挟和唐维特偷情的杜太太,要她把行长杜志清骗到中和堂名下的华星戏楼见面。庞德要求杜志清撤回银行对虞中和的资金支持和自己合做,杜志清答应考虑一天,脱身去中和堂告密。 虞中和听到消息,派葛叔约庞德是夜在华星戏楼相见,整装待发,虞家茵找到虞中和,虞中和草草告别离去,当天正是虞家茵的生日,苦闷的虞家茵发现母亲准备偷溜出去,和面首约会,

Episode 10

On the one hand, let the district 14 to blackmail and Tang Witt cheat Mrs. Du, want her president Du Zhiqing to deceive the Zhonghe Hall under the name of the Chinese Star Theater to meet. Pound asks Du Zhiqing to withdraw the bank to Yu Zhonghe's financial support and do it together, Du Zhiqing promised to consider a day, get away to tell the truth about Zhonghe Tang. When Yu Zhonghe heard the news, he sent Uncle Ge to ask Pound to meet him at the Hua Xing Theater at night. He was ready to go. Yu Jiayin found Yu Zhonghe, and Yu Zhonghe hastily said goodbye and left. That day was Yu Jiayin 's birthday, and the depressed Yu Jiayin found that her mother was going to sneak out and have a date with the first face.


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