

首页维修大全综合更新时间:2023-12-06 18:18:25



1. Greetings and Introductions

- Hi, my name is [Name]. Nice to meet you.

- Good morning/afternoon/evening, everyone.

- How are you doing today?

- I'm from [Country/City], have you been there before?

2. Making Suggestions

- Why don't we + [verb]?

- Maybe we could + [verb phrase]?

- Have you considered + [verb phrase]?

- I suggest that we + [verb phrase].

3. Expressing Opinions

- Personally, I feel that...

- In my opinion/view, ...

- It seems to me that...

- I believe that...

4. Agreeing and Disagreeing

- I completely/agree/disagree with you.

- That's a good point/idea.

- I'm afraid I have to disagree with you.

- I see what you're saying, but...

5. Asking for and Giving Directions

- Excuse me, where is the nearest [place]?

- Can you tell me how to get to [place]?

- Go straight ahead, then turn left/right at the intersection.

- It's about [distance] blocks/miles/kilometers from here.

6. Expressing Feelings

- I'm feeling [adjective] today because...

- I'm so excited/happy/nervous about [something].

- I'm really worried/stressed out about [something].

- I'm sorry to hear that. Is there anything I can do to help?

7. Ordering Food or Drinks

- I'd like to order [food/drink item], please.

- Can I have a [food/drink item], please?

- How much is [food/drink item]?

- Could you bring us the menu, please?



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