1. For her unconditional love to me. 为她对我无条件的爱
2. For her selfless efforts towards me. 为她对我无私的付出
3. For she cares about me. 为她对我的关怀
4. For her taking care of me when I am ill. 为她对我病榻中的寒暄问暖
5. For all her encouragements when I am down. 为她在我忧愁时对我鼓励
6. For all her advices when I am lost. 为她在我迷失时为我指路
7. For all her biased opinions solely because I am her flesh and blood. 为她无理地偏坦我只因我是她的血与肉
8. For she shares my happiness without reservations. 为她毫无保留地分享我的欢乐
9. For her loving the ones I love 为她爱我爱的人
10. For being my mother just because. 只为她是我的母亲