平安是福:翻译成英文是Peace is a blessing,所以它的缩写形式为“pb”。
其他缩写形式:BRB (be right back) 马上回来
BTW (by the way)顺带一提
TTYL (talk to you later) 晚点再聊
XOXO (hugs and kisses) 抱抱亲亲
ASAP = as soon as possible 越快越好
RSVP = please reply 请回覆
IMHO (in my humble opinion)这是我个人浅见
ISO (in search of) 寻找
E.g. = example 举例来说
i.e. = that is, restate an idea 换言之
etc. = et cetera. = and so forth 等等