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Interviewer: Excuse me, may I ask you a few questions for a street interview?

Interviewee: Sure, go ahead.

Interviewer: What do you think is the most important skill for effective communication in English?

Interviewee: I believe active listening is crucial. It helps understand others and respond appropriately.

Interviewer: How do you improve your English speaking skills?

Interviewee: I practice regularly by speaking with native speakers, watching English movies, and listening to podcasts.

Interviewer: Do you think learning English has benefited you in any way?

Interviewee: Absolutely! It has opened up opportunities for better job prospects and allowed me to connect with people from different cultures.

Interviewer: Any advice for those learning English?

Interviewee: Don't be afraid to make mistakes, practice consistently, and immerse yourself in the language as much as possible. It's all about perseverance.

The theme of this interview: people‘s understanding of the Christmas and their attitude toward Christmas.

  The interview time: on Thursday, November 28th, 2013

  The person interviewed: a general student

  The interviewer: Chen Jiahua

  The questions in the interview:

  1. As we all know, we all like to celebrate the Christmas. Could you tell me what do you

  know about the Christmas Day?

  Answer: OK, the Christmas in the foreign countries is as important as the Spring Festival in China. What‘s more, they have a long vacation in Christmas, and people all over the world will have a lot of programs to have fun.

  2. Do you usually celebrate the Christmas?

  Answer: Oh, I celebrated the Christmas when I was a child, and I was very excited about it, but now I seldom celebrate it.

  3. And how about your Christmas in your childhood?

  Answer: we held a big party and invited all our friends. We celebrated it by singing songs, exchanging our postcards and so on.


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