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1. 介绍自己:

My name is [Your Name], and I am [Your Age] years old. I am in [Your School Name] and I am in [Your Class Name] class. I like to play [Your Favorite Sport] and I also like to [Your Favorite Activity].

2. 描述一个人:

My best friend is [Name]. He/She is [Age] years old. He/She has [Description of the好朋友的特征]. We often [Describe what the friends do together].

3. 描述一个地方:

My favorite place is [Name of the Place]. It is [Describe the place]. I like to [Your favorite activity] there.

4. 描述一个物品:

My computer is [Description of the computer]. I can use it to [List some of the things you can do on the computer].

5. 表达自己的观点:

I think [List your opinion] because [Describe why you think it].

6. 描述一个事件:

Last weekend, I [Completed a task]. It was fun because [Describe why it was fun].

7. 描述一个季节:

Summer is my favorite season because I can [State one reason why you like summer].

8. 表达感谢:

Thank you for [List the thing you are thankful for]. It means a lot to me.

9. 写信给某人:

Dear [Name of the Person],

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to let you know that I have been thinking about [List something you have been thinking about]. I want to let you know that I appreciate your help and support. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

10. 日记:

Today, I [Did something]. I was happy because [State one reason why you were happy].


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