初中英语试讲准备一篇十到十五分钟的稿子 最好是语法或短语(初中英语试讲10分钟万能模板)

初中英语试讲准备一篇十到十五分钟的稿子 最好是语法或短语(初中英语试讲10分钟万能模板)

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初中英语试讲准备一篇十到十五分钟的稿子 最好是语法或短语


我是来应聘初中英语的一号考生,今天我抽到的试讲题目是《What’s the matter》。 导入

Step1 Lead in

Hello, boys and girls, nice to see you again. How are you today? You are fine. You feel bad ! What’s wrong with you, Sarah? You looks pale. Oh, I am sorry to hear that. You’d better go to the see the doctor. You guys should look after yourselves well. Don’t catch cold. As we all know, we may go to doctor’s from time to time. In what condition will you go to see the doctor? Have a talk with your partner and get as much as possible conditions, Ok? Keep your outcome in mind, now let’s come to study Unit2 What’s the matter?

英语试讲技巧: 两种:事先准备;临场准备。


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