Translation: The translation of Confucian culture from Chinese to English.
1. 儒家文化:Confucian culture
2. 仁:benevolence
3. 礼:ritual
4. 义:righteousness
5. 忠:loyalty
6. 孝:filial piety
7. 中庸:the Doctrine of the Mean
8. 大同:Great Harmony
9. 君子:gentleman
10. 小人:petty person
11. 五常:Five Constant Virtues
12. 知行合一:the unity of knowledge and action
13. 修身齐家治国平天下:cultivate oneself, regulate the family, govern the state, and pacify the world
14. 诚信:honesty and trustworthiness
15. 敬老尊贤:respect for the elderly and reverence for the wise