Excuse me的中文意思是什么

Excuse me的中文意思是什么

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Excuse me的中文意思是什么

excuse me的中文意思是:对不起,打扰一下;失陪一下;读音:英 [iksˈkju:z mi:] 美 [ɪkˈskjuz mi] 例句:

1、Excuse me, but I'll have to go now. 

2、Excuse me for interrupting you. 

3、Please excuse me for having offended you just now. 

4、Excuse me I seem to be a little bit lost. 

5、Excuse me, but I want to know what all this has to do with us. 扩展资料:excuse me 用法1、对自己的失礼之处表示歉意,比如在餐桌上打了个喷嚏,这时的excuse me表示“对不起,抱歉”,和sorry同义。 


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