

首页维修大全综合更新时间:2023-07-06 10:45:59


Drop that, get up / 扔下它,快起床

Take to the streets, better lock that kid up / 一起走上街头,最好关住令郎

Face full of teeth when he hock that spit up / 他若扰乱节奏,可要怒目相向

Pacing the beat like a beast / 鼓点要稠,势如猛兽

Rocking the block on repeat / 一波一波,震撼街口

Speak from the cut like a rush of blood / 用伤口说唱,如一股血浆

Paint red on the sleeves of the ones you love / 将爱人的衣袖,染成红色的装

Lay the sick ones down and the bells will ring / 将病者置于地,丧钟就会响起

Put pennies on the eyes, let the dead men sing / 将硬币置于眼,让亡灵唱几句


I shiver and shake the warm air cold / 我不停颤抖,抖凉这暖风

I'm alone on my own / 形孤单,影孤独

In every mistake I dig this hole / 我每每犯错,凿出这个洞

Through my skin and bones / 穿透我,皮和骨

It's harder starting over / 从头再来,谈何容易

Than never to have changed / 难于死不悔改

With Blackbirds following me / 黑鸟成群,步步紧逼

I'm digging out my grave / 我在自掘坟墓

They close in, swallowing me / 蜂拥而至,铺天盖地

The pain, it comes in waves / 伤痛如潮来袭

I'm getting back what I gave / 我造下的孽,我来赎

I sweat through the sheet as daylight fades / 汗水浸透床单,日光暗淡

As I waste away / 我日渐消瘦

It traps me inside mistakes I've made / 身上重重罪孽,将我勒紧

That's the price I pay / 我付出的代价

It's harder starting over / 从头再来,谈何容易

Than never to have changed / 难于死不悔改

With Blackbirds following me / 黑鸟成群,步步紧逼

I'm digging out my grave / 我在自掘坟墓

They close in, swallowing me / 蜂拥而至,铺天盖地

The pain, it comes in waves / 伤痛如潮来袭

I'm getting back what I gave / 我造下的孽,我来赎


I drop to the floor like I did before / 我瘫倒在地上,同往常一个样

Stop watching, I'm coughing, I can't be more / 别旁观,我在喘,我只能这个样

What I want and what I need are at constant war / 我之所欲,我之所需,如陷漫漫沙场

Like a well full of poison, a rotten core / 如一口井,填满毒药,败絮其央

The blood goes thin, the fever stings / 热血在变稀,高烧把人欺

And I shake from the hell that the habits bring / 地狱源于恶习,令我晃来晃去

Let the sick ones down, the bells will ring / 将病者置于地,丧钟就会响起

Put pennies on the eyes, let the dead men sing / 将硬币置于眼,让亡灵唱几句


With Blackbirds following me / 黑鸟成群,步步紧逼

I'm digging out my grave / 我在自掘坟墓

They close in, swallowing me / 蜂拥而至,铺天盖地

The pain, it comes in waves / 伤痛如潮来袭

I'm getting back what I gave / 我造下的孽,我来赎

I'm getting back what I gave / 我造下的孽,我来赎

I'm getting back what I gave / 我造下的孽,我来赎


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