i want to fire with you是什么歌

i want to fire with you是什么歌

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i want to fire with you是什么歌

i want to fire with you,出自歌曲《Walk Thru Fire》。

歌曲:《Walk Thru Fire》

演唱:Vicetone / Meron Ryan

歌词:Talk to me和我谈谈吧Spill the secrets you've been keeping向我吐露那深藏于你心底的秘密Life cuts deep生活诚然充满坎坷Let me help pick up the pieces但请让我助你重拾信心You're not alone I'm by your side若我如影随形,你便不会再感孤寂Don't you know ,don't you know你知道吗,你知道吗I'll walk through fire with you我愿与你携手,走过刀山火海I'll walk through fire我愿为你赴汤蹈火No matter what I'll make it right就算误入歧途,我也会使我们重回正轨Don't you know ,don't you know你知道吗,你知道吗I'll walk through fire with you我愿与你一同,穿过熊熊烈焰I'll walk through fire我愿为你承受煎熬I'm not an angel ,I'm not a saint我并非守护你的天使,更非普爱众生的。


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