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这句话是出现在美国动画片《海绵宝宝》的第一集 "帮忙"(Help Wanted)中,是由章鱼哥说给海绵宝宝听的。在这一集中,海绵宝宝试图成为蟹老板的蟹堡王餐厅的一名员工,而章鱼哥最初并不认为海绵宝宝能胜任这份工作。在这场搞笑的招聘过程中,章鱼哥最终变得非常疯狂,并威胁要揍海绵宝宝一顿,

This sentence appeared in the first episode of SpongeBob SquarePants, "Help." Wanted), which was said by Octopus to SpongeBob Squarepants. In this episode, SpongeBob tries to become an employee at the owner's Krabby King restaurant, but Octopus doesn't initially think SpongeBob is up to the job. In this hilarious recruitment process, Octopus finally goes crazy and threatens to beat SpongeBob SquarePants up, which is one of the episode's most classic lines. This sentence appeared in the first episode of the American cartoon SpongeBob "Help" wanted), which was said by Octopus to SpongeBob Squarepants. In this episode, SpongeBob tries to become an employee at the owner's Krabby King restaurant, but Octopus doesn't initially think SpongeBob is up to the job. In this hilarious recruitment process, Octopus finally goes crazy and threatens to beat SpongeBob SquarePants up, which is one of the episode's most classic lines.这也成为了这一集最经典的台词之一。


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