

首页维修大全综合更新时间:2024-01-14 10:36:43



1. Are you kidding me? (你在开玩笑吗?)

2. Who do you think you are? (你以为你是谁?)

3. No way! (没门!)

4. What's your problem? (你有问题吗?)

5. That's not my problem. (那不是我的问题。)

6. Don't play dumb. (别装傻。)

7. I don't care. (我不在乎。)

8. Back off. (走开。)

9. You're out of your mind. (你疯了。)

10. I disagree. (我不同意。)

11. You're talking nonsense. (你在说废话。)

12. Give me a break. (得了吧。)

13. You're overreacting. (你反应过度了。)

14. Enough is enough. (够了够了。)

15. That's not true. (那不是真的。)

16. You're making things up. (你在编造。)

17. Don't look at me like that. (别那样看着我。)

18. Are you serious? (你是认真的吗?)

19. That's a lame excuse. (那是个蹩脚的借口。)

20. That's not fair. (那不公平。)

21. Who do you think you're talking to? (你以为你在跟谁说话?)

22. Hold on a second. (稍等一下。)

23. You're being ridiculous. (你太荒唐了。)

24. Keep your voice down. (小声点。)

25. Stop whining. (别抱怨了。)

26. Don't tell me what to do. (别告诉我该做什么。)

27. Leave me alone. (别烦我。)

28. I'm not in the mood. (我现在没心情。)

29. You're blowing things out of proportion. (你小题大做了。)

30. Don't blame me for your mistakes. (别把你的错误怪到我头上。)

31. I don't need your permission. (我不需要你的允许。)

32. That's not funny. (那不好笑。)

33. You're impossible to please. (你永远都不会满意。)

34. Don't give me that look. (别用那种眼神看我。)

35. You're wasting my time. (你在浪费我的时间。)

36. That's not my responsibility. (那不是我的责任。)

37. Don't tell me how to live my life. (别告诉我该怎么过我的生活。)

38. You're getting on my nerves. (你让我心烦。)

39. You're barking up the wrong tree. (你找错人了。)

40. I don't have to explain myself to you. (我不必向你解释。)

41. I'm not interested. (我没兴趣。)

42. Don't lecture me. (别教训我。)

43. I don't appreciate your tone. (我不喜欢你的语气。)

44. Don't cross the line. (别越界。)

45. Don't take things personally. (别把什么都往心里去。)

46. Get over yourself. (别太把自己当回事。)

47. Don't nag me. (别唠叨我。)

48. Don't read too much into it. (别想太多。)

49. I've had enough of your attitude. (我受够了你的态度。)

50. You're not the boss of me. (你不是我的老板。


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