英语句子中 什么时候用全部倒装 什么时候用部分倒装

英语句子中 什么时候用全部倒装 什么时候用部分倒装

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英语句子中 什么时候用全部倒装 什么时候用部分倒装

一、 全部倒装


1、 Here,There,Now,Then等副词放在句首时,句子要全部倒装,谓语动词常用come,go,be,lie,run等.例如:

① There comes the bus!

② Now comes your turn.

2、 表示方位的副词或介词短语置于句首时,句子要全部倒装,句中的谓语动词是come,go等表示运动的动词.

① The door opened and in came the headmaster.

② Up and up went the prices.

③ High flew the plane.


① 上述全部倒装句中主语如为人称代词,应放在动词前面.

Here comes Mr.Lee.

Here he comes.

Auay went the students.

Auay they went.

② 有时为了句子的平衡或强调,将表语置于句首,也属于全部倒装.

例如:Gone are the days when we used the foreign oil.

二、 部分倒装


1、 否定副词如no,not,never,seldom,little,hardly,以及含有no,not的短语放在句首时,句子要部分倒装.

① Never in my life have I heard such a thing.

② Little did we expect that he could come.

③ Not a single word did he say at the meeting.

④ By no means should we do like this.


2、 以否定词开头的关联结构

注意:No sooner…than…,Hardly/scarcely…when…,Not only…but also,Not until…

① Not until late in the evening did he come back.

② Hardly had he got on the bus when he heard a shout.

③ Not only did he buy a bike for me but he also sent it to my house.

注意:No sooner…than…;hardly…when;not only…but also这类句型,只将前半部分倒装,后半部分用正常语序.

3、 当only置于句首修饰状语时,句子要部分倒装.

① Only in this way can we learn English well.

② Only when he is seriously ill does he ever stay in bed.

4、 so,neither,nor在句首表示“也”或“也不”句子要部分倒装.

① Tom is very kind.So am I.

② I like English.So does Jack.

③ I can’t speak English.Nor/Neither can he.

注意:so 后主、谓语不倒装表示前面所述内容的肯定、确定.


Tom is very kind.So am I.(两个人,一样情形)

Tom is very kind.So he is.(一个人,一种情形)


5、 由as/though引导的让步状语从句,从句形成倒装.

① Child as he was,he could speak five languages.

② Hard as he work,you can’t support your family.

③ Try as you do,you will ever win.


She–maker as he was,he was very happy.

6、 so…that/such…that句型中so,such 位于句首时,句子要部分倒装.

① So fast does light travel that it is difficult for us to imagine its speed.

7、 省略了if 的虚拟条件从句中,主谓形成了部分倒装(虚拟语气的条件句中,省略 if 后,had,were,should等应提前)

① Had you told me earlier,I could have done something .

② Should anyone call,tell him to call in the afternoon.

③ Were I you,I would try it again.


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