

首页家电维修冰箱更新时间:2022-03-05 21:32:58

文 | 季益广


1. I knocked and knocked and nobody ___.我把门敲了又敲,但无人回应。

2. We knocked at the door but there was no ___ there.我们敲了门,但里面没人。

3. Wilson went up and knocked ___ the door.威尔逊走上前去敲门。

4. As I got up, I knocked a pencil ___ of its holder.我站起来时,碰掉了笔架上的一支铅笔。

5. I knocked the knife ___ his hand.我打落了他手中的刀。

6. At that moment, Sally knocked ___ her glass of wine.就在那时,萨莉把她那杯酒碰翻了。

7. She tried to knock the gun ___ but she was not fast enough.她试图把枪推开,但来不及了。

8. He knocked her ___ the ground and kicked her.他把她打倒在地,还踢她。

9. Simon could knock a man unconscious with one ___ to the jaw.西蒙往人下巴上打一拳就能把人击昏。

10. Garry answered the door only to be knocked ___ as two policemen came rushing in.加里去开门,结果被冲进来的两名警察撞出老远。

11. Morse knocked his shin ___ a suitcase that had been left just inside the door.莫尔斯胫部撞到了横在门内的手提箱上。

12. She knocked her head ___ a stone.她的头碰到了石头上。

13. ___ that information means knocking on doors and asking people questions.收集那样的信息就意味着要挨家挨户敲门,向人们提问题。

14. Five countries have ___ seats on the UN Security Council, but Germany and Japan, among others, are knocking on the door.有五个国家拥有联合国安理会常任理事国席位,但包括德国和日本在内的其他国家也要求加入进来。

15. We could ___ a bigger living space by knocking two rooms into one.我们可以把两个房间打通,增加客厅空间。

16. The wall between the kitchen and the dining room has been partially knocked ___.厨房和饭厅之间的墙已被部分打通。

17. We could knock a hole through the wall ___ the cupboard.我们可以在墙壁上打个洞通到壁橱里。

18. The British press always knock British winners ___ any sport.不管是何种体育项目,英国新闻界总是对获胜的英国选手吹毛求疵。

19. ‘Designer fashion is silly.’ ‘Don’t knock it; it’s an important ___.’ “名牌时装傻得很。”“别挑刺了,那可是个重要的行业。”

20. The aim is to knock the ball into the ___ goal.目标是把球踢进对方的球门。

21. The Covid-19 has really knocked me for ___.新冠肺炎使我感到浑身乏力。

22. Suzanne was very upset when her mother left home. It knocked the ___ out of her.母亲离家出走使得苏珊娜苦恼不已,整个人变得萎靡不振。

23. His daughter’s death knocked Tom ___.女儿的去世使汤姆大受打击。

24. The struggle to build up her own business had knocked ___ into her.创业的艰难经历使他得到了一些教训。

25. None of them can agree and it needs someone to knock ___ together.他们各持己见,需要有人出面让他们别再吵了。

26. We wanted to go for a picnic, but the rain’s knocked that on the ___.我们原本打算去野餐,但是那场雨使计划泡汤了。

27. With that dress, you’ll knock him ___.你穿上那件连衣裙,准会给他一个大大的惊喜。

28. The press were determined to knock the princess off the ___ that they had put her on.新闻界决心把被他们捧上天的王妃拉下来。

29. The new computer system knocks ___ off the old one.新的计算机系统比旧的要好得多。

30. If you say that again, I’ll knock your head ___!如果你再说那样的话,我就把你打个半死。

31. A sudden drop in supplies of certain chemicals could knock the ___ out the engineering industry.某些化学品供应的突然减少会造成工程制造行业一时间的不景气。

32. My father ___ used to knock me around.父亲以前经常打我。

33. On Saturdays I knock ___ with my friends.周六我都是和朋友在一起玩。

34. We spent the day just ___ around the house.我们就在家里悠闲地过了一天。

35. For a ___ of years we knocked around the Mediterranean.我们在地中海一带漫游了几年。

36. We’ve been knocking ___ a few ideas.我们一直在讨论一些想法。

37. Is there a screwdriver knocking about ___?哪儿有螺丝刀吗?

38. Brenda knocked the brandy ___ quickly.布伦达一口气喝光了白兰地。

39. His new car knocked him back ___ thousand dollars.那辆新车花了他好几千美元。

40. Something ___ hit him from behind and knocked him down.有什么东西从后面击中了他,把他打倒在地。

41. A child was in hospital last night after ___ knocked down by a car.昨晚有个小孩被车撞到,进了医院。

42. They want to knock the house down and ___ it.他们要把房子拆除重建。

43. The new stove we bought was knocked ___ from $800 to $550.我们新买的灶具从800美元降到了550美元。

44. She’s ___ for $150 but I’ll try to knock her down to $100.她要价150美元,但我会想办法压到100美元.

45. Parsons must knock these lessons ___ the team before Saturday.帕森斯必须在星期六之前对球队灌输这些教训。

46. There was no one in the office because they’d all knocked ___ for lunch.办公室里没人,因为他们都下班吃午饭去了。

47. Do you want to knock off ___ today?今天你想早些下班吗?

48. We usually knock off ___ at about twelve on Saturday.星期六我们一般12点左右下班。

49. I’ll knock ___ $10.我愿意降价10美元。

50. Travel agents are knocking $50, and sometimes $100, of the ___ of holidays.旅行社正在把旅游报价调低50美元,有时甚至降价100美元。

51. Moving house will knock an hour off Ray’s ___ to work.搬家将使雷的上班路程缩短一小时。

52. Roland makes a lot of money knocking off ¬¬¬___ of famous paintings.罗兰靠快速仿制名画赚大钱。

53. The champion knocked Biggs out in the seventh ___.那位冠军在第七回合把比格斯打得失去了知觉。

54. His head hit a table as he fell and he knocked himself ___.他跌倒时头撞在桌子上,昏了过去。

55. The nurse gave me some medicine which ___ knocked me out.护士给我用了些药,我就昏过去了。

56. The German team ___ knocked out in the first round.德国队首轮即遭淘汰。

57. He first hit the ___ when he knocked Becker out of the French open Tournament.他在法国网球公开赛上淘汰了贝克尔,第一次上了头版头条。

58. The air ___ were planned to knock out communications on the ground.计划中空袭是为了摧毁地面通讯。

59. She loved the movie. It knocked her ___.她非常喜欢这部影片,对它赞叹不已。

60. Paul has been knocking out new songs for the ___.保罗为这张专辑写出一首又一首新歌。

61. A woman was knocked ___ by a bus last year.去年有个女人被一辆公共汽车撞到了。

62. We should be able to knock something ___ with what’s in the fridge.用冰箱里现成的东西,我们应该能凑出几道菜。

63. Michael knocked ___ a shed in the back garden.迈克尔在后花园里匆匆搭了个棚屋。

64. What time do you want to me to ___ you up in the morning?你想让我早上几点敲门叫醒你?

65. Jane knocked on the window to ___ his attention.简敲敲窗想引起他的注意。

66. The noise of a rope knocking against the side of the ship ___ him up.绳子敲打船舷的声音把他吵醒了。

67. We must get the plumber ___ – the central heating is knocking again.我们得去请管道工了 – 中央暖气又嘭嘭作响了。

68. She was knocking ___ 80 when she died.她死时快80岁了。

69. People had come to ___ the knock at the door in the middle of the night.人们开始害怕半夜里的敲门声。

70. They said they’d arrive at six and they were there right on the ___.他们说他们将六点到达,果然分秒不差。

71. Please don’t knock the table while I’m drawing.我画画时请别敲桌子。

72. I’ll knock a nail into the wall to ___ the picture on.我将把钉子敲到墙上挂这幅画。

73. As she turned she knocked the pot ___ the table with her hand.她转身时,手把罐子从桌子上碰了下来。

74. A low ___ knocked her off her horse.一根低树枝把她从马上撞下来。

75. A ___ knocked her to the ground and stole her handbag.一个强盗把她撞倒在地,抢了她的手提包。

76. She was knocked down by a hit-and-___ driver.她被一个闯了祸就跑的司机撞到了。

77. You could have knocked me down with a ___.我太惊讶了!

78. Who knocked ___ this vase?谁把这个花瓶打翻了?

79. Some thug knocked him ___.有个恶棍把他打昏了。

80. He fell off his bike and knocked two teeth ___.他从自行车上摔下来,撞掉了两颗牙。

81. Don’t ___ him – he’s doing his best.别说他坏话 – 他在尽力。

82. Pay no ___ to the knockers – I thought you did very well.别在意这些说坏话的人 – 我认为你做得很好。

83. She ___ a hammer and knocked a hole in the wall.她拿了一把锤子在墙上敲了个洞。

84. We’ll knock that window ___.我们要把那扇窗打掉。

85. Failing her exams has knocked some of her ___ out of her.考试不及格使她少了些傲慢。

86. His father used to knock him ___ and even once broke his nose.他父亲以前经常虐待他,一次甚至把他的鼻梁打断了。

87. I’ll knock his ___ off if he tries anything with me!要是他敢对我怎么样,我就要敲碎他的脑袋!

88. The rise in mortgage rates really knocked the ___ out of the housing market.抵押率的上升确实削弱了房屋市场的基础。

89. Okay, son – get ___ on that stage and knock’em dead!好,儿子 – 上台就尽量演好!

90. Now that the Government has knocked the proposed motorway on the ___, local communities can relax.既然政府否定了建高速公路的建议,当地居民可以松口气了。

91. The work’s half finished – I need another couple of hours to knock it ___ the head.工作完成一半了 – 我再用几个小时就能干完。

92. A couple of years in the army will knock some ___ into him.在军队里呆上几年会让他懂些道理。

93. Geoff’s new car knocks spots ___ everyone else’s.杰夫的新车比谁的都漂亮。

94. If one or two trains run late, it has a knock-___ effect on the entire rail service.一两班火车晚点会间接影响整个铁路运输。

95. He ___ a knock on the head when he fell.他跌落时撞到了头。

96. Clive’ taken quite a few ___ knocks lately.克莱夫近来碰到不少倒霉事。

97. The fight ___ in a knockout.这场比赛以一方被击倒而结束。

98. Her dress was a ___.她的连衣裙非常漂亮。

99. High interest rates have been a knockout ___ to the business.高利率对企业构成了致命打击。

100. Scotland’s failed to get through the knockout ___ of the competition.苏格兰队在淘汰赛阶段失利。


朗文当代高级英语词典[M]. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社, PEARSON. 2014


1 answered 2 one 3 on 4 out 5 from 6 over 7 aside 8 to 9 punch 10 flying 11 against 12 on 13 Gathering 14 permanent 15 make 16 through 17 into 18 at 19 industry 20 opposing 21 six 22 stuffing 23 sideways 24 sense 25 heads 26 head 27 dead 28 pedestal 29 spots 30 off 31 bottom 32 used 33 around 34 knocking 35 couple 36 around 37 anywhere 38 back 39 several 40 hit 41 being 42 rebuild 43 down 44 asking 45 into 46 off 47 early 48 work 49 off 50 price 51 journey 52 copies 53 round 54 out 55 totally 56 were 57 headline 58 raids 59 out 60 album 61 over 62 together 63 up 64 knock 65 attract 66 woke 67 in 68 on 69 fear 70 knocker 71 don’t 72 hang 73 off 74 branch 75 mugger 76 run 77 feather 78 over 79 unconscious 80 out 81 knock 82 attention 83 took 84 out 85 arrogance 86 about 87 block 88 bottom 89 out 90 head 91 on 92 sense 93 off 94 on 95 got 96 hard 97 ended 98 knockout 99 blow 100 stage



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